About Us
Holyrood Art Club started in 1957.
We are a friendly Club, offering tutor led classes in either combined draped life / portraiture and 'do your own thing'. If you've taken an art class previously, and wish to continue to draw and paint, then join us. Beginners are welcome.
In addition, we have talks & demonstrations by professional artists, crit nights, painting outings, and an Annual Exhibition. In January each year there is a Social Evening.
All our evening meetings take place on Wednesdays, from October to April from 7.30 pm to 9.30pm, with an interval for tea & coffee.
New members are very welcome, and you can come to any of our talks & demos, to meet us, and learn more about the Club, before you join.
Club Venue:
Augustine United Church
41 George IV Bridge
current council members
Andrew Cronshaw
Newsletter Editor
Lorna Davidson
John Ellis
Council Member
Sree Greening
Ruth Hargreaves
Syllabus Secretary
Glenys McLaren
Website Manager
Andrew Cronshaw
Newsletter IT Co-ordinator
Ann Royden
Catering Organiser
Alex Spence
Club Secretary, Exhibition Secretary & Webmaster
Donald Gollan
Ray Lorimer
Vice Chairperson
'The Cloth' Embroiderer
Beryl Poole
Membership Secretary
Neil Gray
Outings Organiser
Anne Fletcher
AV Specialist - Bill Aspin
Council Member
Chai Beh